
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Hairless Truth

First off... I have to thank my dear husband Brian... without him I wouldn't have this post to write....

My husband isn't a particularly hairy man.  I have to thank the Asian in him for that... because it most certainly isn't because of the Viking (side note-Danish are Vikings right?  And if not... oh well.  And Vikings were hairy weren't they?) 

Well in his defense, I should compliment his stunning head of hair in which he had fashioned into a very stylish mullet until about 14 years ago.  Just imagine Billy Ray Cyrus circa-Achey Breaky Heart meets Chozen in Karate Kid 2.  I would provide you with a photograph but I really want you to create your own amazing mental picture.


So back to the present... he really hasn't much body hair and has ditched the mullet, so I will now go out into public with him.  The other day he said "My armpits feel weird ever since I shaved them."  Me... silence... mostly because I was ignoring him.  Then once it sunk in, "Ummm... what?  You shaved your armpits?  I hope you didn't use my Lady Bic."  (side note-I don't have a Lady Bic but some fancy more expensive form of razor that I am sure is only made for lady hair and I most certainly didn't want any boy armpit goo near it.)  (side side note-Yes... boys have armpit goo.  I am almost 100% sure of it.)  Yup... my main concern here was for my razor.  Not my husband being deported from the Man Club.  (side note-he hid his man card under the mattress if anyone needs to pick that up)

Now my second concern was... I didn't even remember the last time I shaved my armpits.  I am by no means Rapunzelling it in my underarm area.  But I surely hadn't just shaved them.  And I already have more facial hair than he does... so I can't have more underarm hair too.

As an afterthought I figured I should ask him why he would do such a thing.  His answer, "I always wanted to know how it felt."  Well that was pretty anti-climatic.  I was kind of hoping he had accidentally burned off all the hair on one armpit while rescuing a kitten from a rain gutter fire (side note-What?  It COULD happen.)  then had to shave the other to match.  Or maybe he was training to become an Olympic swimming champion...

Anyway... his underarms are as smooth as a baby's butt and I am okay with that.  I mean I have nothing to worry about as long as he doesn't start sitting down to pee... errr... ummm... nevermind.  ;-)

My hubby gave his stamp of approval on me sharing his new found love of personal grooming.  See how NICE I am.  I ask first before publicly shaming my family.  ;-)