
Monday, March 22, 2010


So by now you have seen this button on my sidebar and probably wondered... is that a new ice cream flavor.  Well it's not.  But I can assure you that if it was it would be beyond DELICIOUS!  I mean obviously if I was endorsing ice cream it would be the best ice cream ever.  Because really, I am cool like that.  But, I have strayed from my point.  The button... oh yes the button. 

This glorious site and the amazing, talented, and fabulous women behind it have added a little ray of sunshine to my already tropical outlook on life. In addition to all the baby animals, unicorns, Bumpits, Snuggies and Pepsi that I already have in my life I also was able to welcome in a some Craftalicious, Snugtastic, Mommarific, Funiful, Radtastical ladies.  Everyone should have friends like them, right???  I can see you hesitating a bit... I will help you.  OF COURSE you do... and now you have a chance to welcome them into your inner circle of completely AWESOMESAUCE humans where they belong.

And don't you worry your pretty little hearts out.  I of course will be there and as promised... I will totally be wearing my BumpIt.  And don't be shy, I will let you touch it.

As if the promise of touching my my BumpIt isn't enough motivation let me introduce you to just some of the fun you may experience with your future Bloggy BFFs:

No worries.
I've been told coconut bras are optional for the GNO.

And you won't be required to touch your bums.
I mean unless you want to... in which cause that
is totally beyond RAD.

There will be no judging for stuffing your face.

And if for some reason you are not convinced about the total tubularness of Sassy Scoops... just check out some of the freaking super extra AWESOMESAUCE companies we have been lucky enough to feature.

They are offering a lucky reader of Sassy Scoops the chance to win one of
these lovely necklaces.
on all orders between now and April 3rd.

Dude... if you are having a wedding, birthday, or pretty much
any event get them.  If only for their shrimp tacos. 
I mean all their food is beyond delish... but seriously...
I am considering hiring them to come to my house
once a week and make me shrimp tacos.  Did I mention

I know that you are all totally coming now! RIGHT?!?!?!?!  See you there.  And if you ever get lonely and need a dose of Sassy... just head on over to SassyScoops and you can get the real scoop on local events and businesses.