
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shocking... Some Mom's Prefer Pearls to Baby Animals

I KNOW... it shocked me too.  I mean I take my teenagers to baby animal birthday parties and make them play with these little guys...

And I possibly make them become hand models with signs like this...

And what trip to see baby animals would be complete without random tulip poses???

But apparently some Mothers wouldn't consider this to be the highlight of their week... or even an early Mother's Day gift.  It makes me shed little kitten tears thinking of it... but I guess we have to celebrate those Moms too.  You know... the ones who love opening a pretty sparkley box of jewels on the big day (side note-for the intent and purpose of this post "the big day" is Mother's Day).  Thankfully there is a company in our fair state that looks out for those Moms....

Goldsmith Co. Jewelers is proud to continue it's award-winning Mother's Day tradition: giving away classic PEARL NECKLACES.  You only need to download and present this coupon at the store.  Anyone can receive a gorgeous pearl necklace that retails at $99.  UH MAZE ING!

Download HERE

The best part about pearls is you can wear them with anything and to anywhere.  Jeans or a little black dress, a baby animal birthday party or even church.  They are extremely versatile and gorgeous.  You, your Mother, your sister, or really any woman (baby animal lover or NOT) would be beyond thrilled to open up this gift on Mother's Day.  Head on down to Goldsmith Jewlers (120 N.  University Ave. Provo, UT 84601) anytime between May 3rd and May 8th, 2010 with coupon in hand and walk out with a treasure. 

And... if you really want to make her happy attach said pearls to a cute little Persian Kitten. 

Disclaimer-I was offered monetary compensation to participate in a campaign and post about this pearl coupons.  But honestly free pearls are really cool so I would have done it for free.  And anytime I get to tie random things to baby animals makes me extremely happy.  So I probably would have paid to post this.  And I still really, really, really want a persian kitten.