
Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Marriage Rules You Can Break... According to MSN

I am so glad there are websites out there like MSN dedicated to saving our wedded bliss.  Without them how would we ever know which rules are okay to break.  (side note-sorry guys... mullets are still on the no no no no no NEVER EVER list)  (side side note-I don't care what MacGruber says)

1.  Don't go to bed angry-Easiest way to break this rule... make 'em sleep on the couch.

2.  Always Be 100% Honest-No Honey... I didn't eat your last Nutty Bar... It was a rabid chocolate loving MOLE.

3.  Never Vacation Without Each Other-Nothing says true love like a little vacay with your non husband latin love Raul.  That has to strengthen a marriage... OBVIOUSLY.

4.  If You Fight, You're Headed For Divorce-Freak... I have nothing to make fun of.  Of course fighting doesn't lead to divorce... I mean unless you're Mike Tyson and Robin Givens.

5.  Always Put The Kids First-Trudat homies... dang babies always wanted to be fed and diapered and taken out of their jail cell errr... umm... I mean crib.  The weight limit on diapers is actually for the amount of waste... not the baby's weight... right?

6.  Never Sleep In Separate Beds-Ummm... how are you supposed to have Raul over if you are sleeping in the same bed as your hubby?  'Nuff said.

7.  Partners Should Sync Up Their Hobbies-Marriages are weaker if spouses actually enjoy the same passtimes.  Because we all know our spouse's would DIE if they had to walk through a craft expo or pass a monkey wrench.

8.  If There's No Spark You're Doomed-DANG STRAIGHT... fire is never good in the bedroom.  Down comforters are highly flammable.

9.  Boring is Bad-What did you say?  Sorry I fell asleep listening to you.

10.  You Should Have Sex With Your Partner To Make Him Happy-Well of course not.  Being selfish is always the best policy. 

Okay.... so I may have taken a little freedom with my explanation.  But just a tiny tiny tiny bit.  You can see the un-steph-edited version here.  But honestly... mine is way better.