
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foodie Friday-Keep Your Food Cold Edition... And a Fridge VLOG

I would tell you the whole long... sad... drawn out story of how it took me 2.5 weeks to get a new (beautiful, amazing, cooleriffic) Samsung fridge after my old one died and was sent to the big cooler in the sky.  But seriously... why would I want to do that when I can just show you the glory that is my new fridge.  (side note-It may be unholy to feel how I feel about this fridge.  I may have said on several occassions that I want to marry it and make little fridge babies.)

I haven't named my fridge yet and would gladly take clever suggestions.  Like... Mr. Fridge.  Or Coolie McFridgerstein... you know... original and amazing names.

And without further ado... I introduce _____________ (soon to be named fridge)

Note the smooth surface... no more magic eraser for me baby.

Note the 35 3/4 dimesions... which actually turned out to be
36 inches which meant we had to squeeze and wiggle
to fit it in our fridge hole.

Obviously the water would be pure... just like me. (side note-STOP LAUGHING)

This may or may not be where I plan on stuffing my yet to be purchased
or made ice cream cake.  See that little "chilled" button... MAGICTASTIC

I know how to properly Christen a fridge... HECK YES!

And really what better way to introduce you to my new appliance than with a VLOG... in which I may or may not be wearing sunglasses... a Snuggie... and a furry winter hat.

Disclaimer... I totally paid for this fridge and I received nothing for singing or speaking or anythinging it's praises.  I just like to dress up in my Snuggie and sunglasses and needed a reason.