
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Road Trip Tips and Tricks... When Traveling With Girlfriends

We all know how overwhelming road trips can be.  I have come up with a few helpful tips and tricks to help you and your girlfriends have a successful road trip.

Meet a drunken sailor... then learn to use his language.  (side note-this may or may not have only applied to me)  {side side note-I have never met a drunken sailor but I am totally prepared for when I do}

Cactus are fair game.  Just look at them... I really can't say more... (side note-I could totally say more but it wouldn't be anything appropriate.  Remember I am prepared for that drunken sailor)

If you leave celery in the car in the hot Phoenix sun you are asking for trouble... and begging for nose plugs.

If you drop ice cream treats on the floor of the car... someone is bound to pick it up, dust it off, and eat it. 

Photographs are a must... Especially the extra hawtie kind.

And if you have a camera... someone will pose for it.

Only stop for gas in scary mountain towns... (side note-where the setting of Deliverence could easily be recreated)  with people who have a strong grasp on good old American values... and spelling.

And pack lightly... there is no need to collapse while waiting for an elevator.

And most of all... always be prepared.  You never know when you may see a stray uvula.

Thanks to all who made this trip possible... especially Joanie and Lauren.  You gals pretty much rule.