
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear Costco Coupons...

Dear Costco Coupons...

Why do you suck so much this month?

I really need more Spray n Wash... Not Stacy's Pita Chips (side note-even though they do make that sad little turtle bowl so happy in the commercials.

I already purchased paper towells for the last 2 months... Can't you hook a sista up with some toilet paper?

I am down to my last 2 bottles of water?  And do you care?!?!? NO... instead you taunt me with Sunny D.

You know I only like Dixie plates... yet you seem to be having some mad love affair with Chinet.

And when are you going to have a coupon for Frosted Mini Wheats again?  I NEED them.

You aren't all bad though.  My beloved Pepsi is represented dear Costco.  You know how to keep me coming back by supplying me with my elixer of life.

And nothing says love like cuddling up in my Snuggie freshly washed with Downy fabric softner.

Plus... gotta give you props for having the cute little Panda picture on the Ling Ling Potstickers coupon... You had me at an adorable baby animal....

In closing... maybe I jumped the suck gun just a bit.  But keep in mind that there are bums that need wiped... and BBQ's that need plates... and dehydration that needs to be kept at bay.

Yours Truly...

The Steph