
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Foodie Friday-I VLOGGED While Making a Boxed Baked Good Edition

I don't bake... I mean I can't bake... I mean I don't bake because I can't.  I mean I am physically able to bake... it just never turns out well.  I guess I shouldn't say never.  I can make a pretty mean cookie... and my brownies rawk the house.  But for the most part my baking life is a complete FAIL. 

Next... I don't make things from a box.  Again... because I really can't.  Ask my kids if they will eat my boxed macaroni and cheese... the answer is no.  There is a reason I cook... I am genetically disabled or something.  Boxes and me don't mix.

Tonight I decided it was time to make some Betty Crocker Mississippi Mud Bars that have been haunting my pantry for a while.  So... I grabbed me a little helper and decided to film my attempt to bake.  I edited out like 5 minutes randomly.  I think the beginning and the end are still there.  Other than that... Your guess is as good as mine as what's included.  LOL

As you may or may not have seen... I seriously haven't watched it.  They turned out well.  I owe it all to my Xander.  And possibly the fool proof instructions.   I am not a huge chocolate fan (side note-I KNOW... I pretty much need to turn in my woman card for that one) and they were rather chocolatey so I know for most of you that means you are jumpin up and down drooling. Brian and Xander have eaten about half the pan in less than 30 minutes.  I am guessing that means they are good.   Xander says he wants to make some for his friends... so I will likely buy a box or 2 now and then. 

Now... I KNOW you want to put on your Snuggie and bake up some goodness for your clan.  I am giving away a box of these Betty Crocker Mississippi Mud Bars and the pan to bake them. 

It's easy to win... Just email me stephanie at telling me you would like to win. 

Contest will end on Friday, June 25th at Midnight.  I will choose the winner via and notify the winner by email.

Thanks to MyBlog Spark and Betty Crocker for providing me with the mix and handy dandy pan to make these goodies and one to give away to a lucky ducky reader.  I was NOT paid to review this product and all opinions and Snuggies and children were my own.