
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Holy Crap! I've Been Married How Long?

Monday marked Brian's and my 13th wedding anniversary.  (side note-yes I have a 14 year old... I have now IDEA how that math worked out... obviously math is not my strong suit)  After this long we are still all about keeping the spark alive.  You can't say we aren't romantical.

We started our day with some super sexy tweets:

Brian- Today in 1997 I married my dearest @sahans. After 13 yrs no regrets other than I should've paid the extra $25 to be married by Elvis.

Me-My dear @bhans deserves large amounts of praise for putting up with me for the last 13 years. #anniversary (side note-I should obviously be writing greeting cards.  I am sure many tears were shed over this tweet)

I then proceeded to take my kids to the orthodontist.  Nothing gets me in the mood for romance like shelling out $2473.

I know... you are soooooooo jealous of me right now. 

Then I spent the evening at Josh's baseball game (we lost.  I blame all those who hate love and anniversaries) and was rain on.  (side note-no worries it didn't soak the flame of love)

Brian spent the evening talking to Asians... One of his favorite passtimes.  (side note-he was on conference calls for work to Korea and Taiwan) (side side note-or it could mean he was talking to himself... we will never know.)

While at little league I got this text from Brian- "When you get home put on your bra and we will go out for a surprise."  I am not sure what he was thinking... I only pick the kids up from baseball practice with no bra on... I never (side note-at least I think never) have gone to an actual game braless. 

So I roll on home about 10 pm... This is where the story get's HAWT... We went to Village Inn.  Hello.... what better way to celebrate then with pie and a little googly eye?  That should really be their new slogan.

I should probably start an annivesary planning business.  My slogan will be "Hopeless romantics should probably look elsewhere."  Or maybe "If all else fails you can probably still do better than me."