
Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Blame Clowns... Or the Reason I Can NEVER be a Birthday Party Photographer

The other day I was feeling full of joy and whimsy so I thought...
"Self... we should totally become child birthday party photographers." 
And since it is rude to not answer back I thought in return...
"Self... you are sooooo smart.  And we will do it for free and become famous and bring joy and happiness to kids everywhere." 
And then...
"See self... people think with only like baby animals... we totally like small humans too.  We are way radder than we let on." 
You pretty much see where this is going.  I mean someone has to stroke my most fragile ego... and who better to do that than ME?!?! 

So where was my fatal flaw you ask???

Birthday parties are filled full of happiness and...

Birthday Fairies that...

LOVE to chase bubble after...

GIANT bubble... and...

Blow out candles with brothers... and...

Daydream about all their birthday wishes coming true.

So HOW could I not want to capture all of these amazing moments forever and ever and ever?!?!!

Well I blame him...

Bozo was CREEPY... Not funny... And started the whole "Honey lets have a clown at junior's party" craze.

CLOWNS ARE EVIL not entertainment people...
Case in point...

Have you seen the movie IT?
'nuff said...
Clowns are evil... Stephie is right... And because of them and humans obsessive need to have them at birthday parties I will never be a birthday party photographer.
Thanks a lot clowns... THANKS FOR NOTHING.

Disclaimer... this post had such potential... if only I hadn't gotten a hold of it.