
Friday, July 30, 2010

Whrrling My Way Through New York

I cannot believe I will be in New York City in less than a week. It is insane how quickly my trip to BlogHer is approaching. With all the arrangements for the event I am co-hosting and travel arrangements... I am just barely sitting down and figuring out what I am going to do while in New York.

That is where Whrrl and The New York Pass are going to coming in handy. I am so thrilled to have them on board as our "I heart New York" event sponsors for many reasons. But honestly the main reason is so I can go site seeing and document my fabulous journey through New York. I keep saying New York because I cannot actually believe I am going to NEW YORK. It is crazy. I have been wanting to go for years and it is finally happening.

Have you checked out Whrrl? Some of you have seen the stories I have posted on Twitter and Facebook. One thing I LOVE about Whrrl is the capability to check in add photos, captions, and notes to share your interests, adventrures and recommedations with people share the same passions as you. Whether your day includes a trip to the local farmers market or a day out in New York Whrrl is the perfect way document. Not to mention I am going to use it as my guide to the city while I'm there.  They have so many great societies set up in New York, it's like then planned my trip for me. 

The New York pass gives me access to fabulous places like MoMA... Can I get a shout out Ghostbuster's fans? It will be my first stop for sure. I wonder if I have enough space on my memory card for pictures? I may need a whole card alone just for the Museum of Modern Art. The Museum of Natural History will be next on my list. HELLO... Night at the Museum anyone??? And then... Madame Tussaud's. MOVIE STARS... in WAX. Is anyone sensing a pop culture theme? All along the way I will checking in on Whrrl while adding all my marvelous pictures. And people can follow my site seeing in real time... while I am doing it. It will be just like you are there with me. Maybe later I can photoshop you into a picture with Brad Pitt?
Whrrl is has even created a marvelous "I heart New York" Society to use while at BlogHer '10. So you can join me in my adventures. Maybe we will even bump into each other while gazing at the Statue of Liberty? And maybe you will even win a fabulous prize from one of our event sponsors when you "Check in to Win"