
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Proof That Unicorns Exist And Are In Fact REAL

I have already provided you with a stunning pictorial on the existence of Unicorns.  But apparently that wasn't enough for some people.

Well now I have undisputed evidence.  Witnessed with my own 2 eyes. And photographed by me.  Warning these images may be disturbing but, I can assure you no unicorns were actually harmed in the making of this cake.

How did a unicorn magically appear in my cake if they don't exist?

Real unicorns always carry magic wands.

Unicorn Snuggies... CASE CLOSED. 
Unicorns really and truly exist.  Snuggie wouldn't waste it's
time making Snuggies for fictional creatures.

Thanks to Ryley from That's My Cake for my wonderful birthday creation!