
Monday, October 11, 2010

Crap My Mom Says

Last night I went to dinner at my Mom's house.  We haven't been over there for dinner in about 10 months so I figured it was time.  And because I don't like to suffer errrrrr... I mean giggle in silence I figured I would share the joy with you.

Crap my Mom says at Sunday dinner:

"It isn't ironic.  Wait what does ironic mean?"

"I don't go to the doctor that much." Then recounts all her recent trips to a medical facility.  All while sitting next to 3 natural remedy books.  The irony of this was obviously lost on her.

"My new laptop is plum.  Plum isn't really my color, it's too dark." Thankfully she isn't wearing it. 

"I have a pig head in my freezer." 

"To make head cheese." In response to my question, "Why do you have a pig head in your freezer?"

"Last time I bought a pig head they cut off the ears and tongue so I had to buy those separately."  I was actually afraid to ask why.

"If your rabbit was a baby I didn't kill it.  I never kill baby rabbits." After taunting me about the frozen rabbit she has in her freezer.  Trust me there is a story there... soon to come.

"In France, Gerber makes veal brain baby food.  I am pretty sure you ate some when you were a baby."

"You know what else is good?  Cow udders.  They have a very milky flavor."  I am not even going to touch that one.

And in closing...

"I like to add rooster testicles to my Coq au Vin.  They're delicious."  And I am pretty sure she was smacking her lips while saying this.  And now I have just lost all my rooster readers.

For those of you that know me... I am sure this all explains a lot.