
Friday, October 29, 2010

Flu Friday-P&G Healthy Home Giveaway

We have had a major shift in sickness dynamics in our house.  Brian, who was possibly sick 1 time in our 13 plus years of marriage, has decided to get sick frequently.  I on the other hand have been healthy as a clam.  I am just assuming clams are healthy... I haven't heard one sneeze... EVER.

With this shift I have become quite the nurse and try my best to keep the hubby cared for while he is ill.  Of course dosing him up with NyQuil, DayQuil, and making him drink TONS of water is all part of the secret formula to get better quick.  And I have little patience for sickness... so for his sake he typically gets well relatively fast.

Well now you have the chance to win some of my "get healthy" favorites from P&G:

Water-Okay so I am not giving you water.  But how about a PUR one click faucet mount?

NyQuil-A sleeping sick person is the best kind.  And I always feel better when I get a good night's sleep.

DayQuil-Because sometimes you have to function while having a cold. 

Vicks VapRub-I think this has been every Mom's secret for about a gazillion years.  I always put a little in the humidifer.

To Enter-

Just leave a comment on this blog with one of your favorite tips or tricks to relieving cold and flu symptoms.

Extra Enteries-
5 extra entries-Become a fan of PUR on Facebook and leave a comment you did so. Becoming a fan not only gets you extra entries but PUR will donate 10 liters of clean drinking water to children in developing countries for every new fan.
3 extra entries-Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect and leave a comment you did so
2 extra entries-Tweet about this giveaway and comment with a link back to your tweet.

Valid for US/Canadian residents only. Winner will be chosen via and notified via email. Contest ends on 11/5/2010 at 12 midnight MST.

Benefited giveaway.  I will also receive the products provided to one of my readers.