
Monday, October 18, 2010

Moderation... Hershey Style

As a woman I know that my fellow females love a good piece of chocolate now and then.  It seems to be a cure all for what ails you.  PMS, bad day at work, noisy kids???  Nibble on some chocolate and the worries seem to slip away.

But as we all know we can't pack back 12 bars of chocolate a day or that will just create a whole new set of problems. Hershey's wants you to be able to have your chocolate and eat it too.  That is why they have created:

On the site you can find amazing recipes,  connect with a dietitian, or even download the iPhone app

I am not a huge pure chocolate fan but I do love some treats coated in chocolate.  I was so excited to taste the new York Patties covered in dark chocolate... they were to die for.

Hershey would love to give you a moderation prize pack.  Including a delicious chocolate treat, t-shirt, and journal to track your exercise and snacking. 

Fill out the below form to be entered:

Compensated opportunity provided through Hershey and My Blog Spark