
Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Very Real Conversation about Polygamy... Sister Wives Edition

Last week was the premiere of the new show "Sister Wives" on TLC.  If you haven't heard of the show I will give you a brief run down.  It is a reality tv show so YES I am auntomatically in love with it.  It follows a man and his 3 (soon to be 4 wives) as they navigate this crazy thing called life.

And to be honest, it really got me thinking.  Do I have a fundamental problem with polygamy?  Is it wrong if all parties are consenting adults?  And couldn't this just be considered an "alternative lifestyle"?  All these questions led to this conversation with Brian:

Me-I think we should get a sister wife.
Him-Really, I don't think you do.
Me-No truly.  I think all of it sounds wonderful, well except for the you having sex with someone else part.
Him-So what part sounds good?
Me-I would LOVE to have another wife to clean, do the dishes, and of course all the laundry.
Him-Oh we can get one of those.
Me-REALLY?!?!?! (Fearing I just opened Pandora's box)
Him-Yes.  They're called a MAID.

It's been a week.  I still love the show.  And it should be noted we haven't taken on a sister wife or a maid.  (side note-I don't really believe in polygamy but I do definitely believe in maids.  I not only believe in them but I am thinking of building an alter in their honor.  Maybe then one will show up at my door)