
Monday, March 29, 2010

Crafting For Idiots-Applesauce Bunny Placecards

Anything that a toddler can likely make I can surely screw up.  And that was of course the case in my latest crafting attempt.  Applesauce bunny placecards.  In theory these should be quick, easy, and most of all adorable.  And of course anything with "bunny" in the title I have to try.  And because I am a sucker for all things holiday related this was the perfect Easter craft for me to attempt. 

Preheat oven to 200 degrees

1/2 Cup Musselmans Apple Sauce
1/2 Cup Ground Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons Glitter (optional)

Add this
With a dash

And mix
really... really... really

Then form

Place this between
2 sheets of wax paper and
roll to 1/4 inch until you get

Now it's time to get your
bunny on

And you should get about 4 bunnies (I got 5 which should have been my first clue)
Then place bunnies on cookie sheet dusted with about 2 tablespoons of

Bake these bunnies in the oven for about 2 hours TURNING FREQUENTLY
(I may or may not have forgotten that little tibit)
If you don't you'll get a bunny curl.
Exactly like a jheri curl only less RADtastical.

Uh oh... bunny curl. 
Wait for bunnies to cool and dust off excess cinnamon.
Decorate with glitter glue pens or paint pens. 
And don't forget to label them with the correct names
I would hate for Aunt Mildred to get on the kids table because
of accidental bunny mislabeling.
Now hop to it... ahahahah
And make your easter Bunnilicious

Look... they are still pretty cute even with my major
direction fail.

Disclaimer-Musselmans provided me with ingredients and the directions to make these adorable bunny placecards.  My lack of craft abilities should no way poorly affect your views.  LOL