
Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm on Staycation

We took a few days off.  We aren't going anywhere in particular. We are going to enjoy each other's company. (side note-I actually went an entire day without YELLING) [side note-that is pretty miraculous] We are just taking in all that Utah as to offer (side note-Chuck a Rama may or may not be included) We aren't cooking... and by "we" I mean me.  Because who cooks on vacation?!?!?!?!  So far we have seen penguins... and some other stuff that really can't compare to actual penguins. 

See... PENGUINS!!!!

See y'all next week.  Have a Happy Easter... I do love me some bunnies.  Oh and Jesus... I totally love him too.  Is it wrong to say you love Jesus on your blog?  I am pretty sure it is RAD.  K...

Steph OUT (side note-possibly a lame attempt at a Ryan Seacrest [side side note-I am on staycation... way to lazy to google how to spell his name] impersonation)