
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Foodie Friday-Raw Melissa

Have you met Melissa?  NO?!?!?!? Well neither had I until just recently.  Thanks to a fabulous giveaway on Emily's blog I had the opportunity to take a class on preparing fresh foods.  I had no idea what to expect and was a little apprehensive about what I would be learning.  But 5 minutes into the Raw Melissa class I knew it was going to be a FABULOUS day. 
Not only do Melissa and, her boyfriend/main chef in her life, Chris have wonderful chemistry in the kitchen.  They prepare the most amazing FRESH FOOD dishes I have ever seen.  And they do it with such ease.  I walked away from the class knowing that ANYONE could make the recipes we were taught.  You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen to make beautiful and delicious meals for you family.

With a few chops, dices, shreds, and blends.  Melissa and Chris were able to take this and turn it into....
Spinach and Red Pear Salad

And THIS....
Mango Blackberry Salad
(side note-Raw Melissa even taught me how to easily cut a mango.  Something I had been dying to learn!)

And THIS...

Creamy Spicy Noodles
(all fresh veggies and SCRUMPTIOUS)

I also got to spend the day with some of my favorite friends...


and meet some new friends like...

But more than everything I triple pink puffy hearted seeing the passion that Chris and Melissa have for fresh food and the respect and love they have for each other.

Say it all together now... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They have even decided to spin their love for cooking together and as a family into a wonderful new site.... Nicolas & Cora Eat.  Not only do they post wonderful recipes they open up their lives and loves to the rest of us. 

Now that you have met Melissa... Don't you just triple pink puffy heart her too?