
Thursday, April 8, 2010

It Happened-The Law and Gravity

It was bound to happen.  I mean you leave the house without appropriate undergarments enough and it WILL happen.  So one of my worst FEARS has just been realized.  It all happened on the way home from picking up Kid Two from baseball.  Only it gets better...

-My hair was unbrushed.
-I don't remember if I brushed my teeth earlier today.
-I didn't have my purse (no ID or insurance card).
-I couldn't find my current registration. (it was right where is was supposed to be.  who the heck put it away is what I want to know?)
-I had to call my husband to bring me my purse.
-My son that was NOT with me decided to pedal on up to the scene of the incident on his bike.  (which means I totally had to ghetto yell out of the truck "GO HOME"!
-And my husband kindly snapped this shot of not ONE but TWO cop cars trying to figure out what to do with this crazy braless woman.

Thankfully I just got a speeding ticket.  Because let's be honest.  It could have been for "unsecured load".
And when the officer asked me to NOT step out of the vehicle... Well let's just say I had NO problem following that order.