
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Unicorns, 2nd puberty, Exercise, and Gelato

So what do Unicorns spewing rainbows, Male 2nd puberty, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred,and gelato have in common?

Well pretty much nothing except they are all floating around in my mind RIGHT NOW.  (side note-my mind is a scary place... you haven't figured that out yet?)

So yesterday Brian told me to write a post about a unicorn with a broken horn that is spewing rainbows and going through male 2nd puberty.  Ummmm... ya.  Not so much.  I tried.  And in my efforts I found this pretty picture.  (side note-the unicorn looks like it is peeing clouds.  Now that is RAD)  {side side note-Yes... I do kinda wish I could pee clouds... geez}

Okay... so I guess unicorns and male 2nd puberty are a little more related than I like to think.  But seriously... not cool with unicorn cruelty.  I mean unicorns ARE REAL!!!

I have tried Snuggies, BumpIts, and all sorts of other products.  Why not this?  And honestly 20 lbs off my body means I can put that much more product in my hair.  And it's only 20 minutes.  I spend more time than that looking at baby animals.   Sorry baby animals... mama needs a six pack.

I am sure eating gelato is not counter productive to the 30 Day Shred... I am pretty sure it is way better for you than ice cream... right?  And you can all join me and see my hawt new banging bod after exactly 1 day of doing "the shred".  I am sure it will be uh-maz-ing... Excited to see you there!

So I actually was able to connect all 4 random items... JEALOUS?!?!?!?!