
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Foodie Friday-Dinner Time Conversations and a GIVEAWAY

As all of you know from  reading my blog.  I am pretty old school and traditional... Well, at least when it comes to family dinners.  I probably cook 28 days out of the month.  I love making sure my family has a meal everynight and I kind of feel guilty on the nights I don't cook. 

With a 14 year old and  a 12 year old you can imagine that dinner, or really any conversation can get pretty interesting.  I never know who is going to bring up a teacher farting in class or a snake that swallow and entire bunny.  Or we can have the silent nights when no one is saying a thing. 

So the other day when I got "The Family Dinner Box of Questions" I was very excited.  I love the conversation starters like "What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?"  and of course one of my favorites "If you could have a wild animal from anywhere in the world as a pet, what animal would you choose?"  I of course chose a baby hedgehog.  I think my kids chose some sort of nasty scaley thing.  Don't they realize that baby animals should be adorable?  Not scaley?  Needless to say I questioned their parentage and forced them to choose something cute.  One chose a skunk.  I can live with that.  Skunks are adorable and stinky... just like babies.

Now I am giving the chance for 2 lucky readers to win a their own box of marvelous questions.  And if you have little ones the very fun book "Let's Fix Dinner".  Plus a coupon for a FREE family sized dinner from Stouffers.  The best part of this promotion... Stouffers is giving you some free stuff but uthey are also giving back.  100% of the net proceeds of the book's sales go to Habitat for Humanity.  Possibly another great conversation starter for dinner.

It is easy to enter.

1 Entry for leaving a comment on this blog with a great dinner conversation starter.
2 Entries for following this blog with the follow button off to the right. (leave a comment you did so)
3 Entries for Tweeting about this giveaway (leave a comment with a link to your tweet)
10 Entries for blogging about this giveaway (leave a comment with link to your post)

Happy entering!

Contest ends on Thursday, July 29th at Midnight.  Only available to U.S. and Canadian Readers.

Disclaimer-I was compensated with product in exchange for running this giveaway.  But I only giveaway rad stuff.