
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Integrity... What Would You Do Edition

I pride myself on honesty.  For the most part I try not to tell a lie.  Or do anything that could be considered ethically questionable.  I am pretty sure drawing boxing gloves on baby bunnies is ethical... right? And if not don't send PETA my way.  It is been one of those weeks.  Well not one of those weeks as far as PETA getting all up in my junk.  I mean who LOVES animals more than me?   Just one of those weeks in general.  Have you ever noticed how I get sidetracked?  No?  Oh... nevermind.  I NEVER get off subject.

Okay... so now on to the "What Would You Do?" portion of today.  I recently ran a post in which I was compensated with a gift card.  I received 2 gift cards days apart from each other from the same company.  I have worked with them on several campaigns and thought for a second "Well maybe this is for another post."  But something just didn't sit right with me.  I had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I knew that I couldn't just keep that card without checking.

Before I tell you what I did... Sit for a second, think, and tell me what you would do ..............................................................................................................................................................

Now... what did I do?  I emailed the company and confirmed the extra card was an error.  And it turns out I get to keep the card anyway.  YAY me!