
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Like The Japanese

Hey... no one can tell me I'm not PC... I love me some Japanese. (side note-I am referring to the food and the people) Look... I like them so much I married one.  Well half of one.  Hmmm... this isn't going so well.  He is a WHOLE human male but is is half Japanese as far as blood lines go.  Phew!  I am glad we got through that okay.

Now, on to the important stuff.  My love of the Japanese.  I actually like them sooooo much I take one day out of my life every year to celebrate with them.  I call it "eat lots of sushi and watch super pretty Japanese ladies dance after the big drum show" day.  I hear is has a technical name like "Obon" or something... since some people like to get all technical.

So... now I will walk you through said lovely day...

It starts with delicous sushi. 

This is typically my portion because of these guys...

I guess that isn't actually sushi... It has the anti-food (aka Spam) in it.

Currently pondering sushi induced coma.

During the meal we marvel at Brian's mad chopsticking skills...

It's okay to be jealous ladies.  Not all men can handle chopstix that way.

After we eat (side note-I mean THEY) themselves into a seaweedy bliss it's time to dance.  And by dance I mean sit on my butt and watch other people dance.  I am sure it burns just as many calories and is much easier on the feet.

The dancers are dressed gorgeously in all their Japanese glory....

I am pretty sure they can't move with those things tied around their waist.

They even brought miniture versions.  Japanese mini's are WAY better than Hersey's Miniatures.

And every year there has to be some token white girls who dance but don't dress up.

Well... I least they represent the Hello Kitty.

This year I decided to take some rad pictures of the paper laterns...

Lights off...

Lights on...
I am pretty much magical.  Like unicorns and stuff.

My niece was all like "HOW DO YOU DO THAT?"

I tried to explain my secrets were not worth pulling out her hair...
but she insisted and she's 3.  3 year olds are whacko. 
It's true... the very first line in "What to Expect When Your 3" says... WHACKO

I guess she didn't like being called whacko or something.  But I just called her it
now and not when this picture was taken.  Maybe that isn't why she was crying.
It does look like her sister is trying to eat her.  Maybe Brian and the boys ate all her
sushi too.

Then my nephew decided to defend his sister's honor in advance.
It is like he has ESP or something.
Last time I call 3 year olds whacko.

She doesn't think 3 year olds are whacko... she thinks they are tasty.

I have really lost track here... food... dancing... oh there were drums before the dancing and I have a picture or 12 but really how many more pictures can I actually put in this post.  Whacko 3 year olds that get eaten by their sisters... Oh ya.  Then at the end the audience gets to join in and shake their booties to some traditional Obon style dancing. 

Husband booty shot... okay so he doesn't really have a booty shot
The End

Disclaimer-No actual 3 year olds were eaten in the pursuit of this post.  And I don't really think 3 year olds are whacko... well much.