
Sunday, July 11, 2010

School Blues

It's been summer break around here for about 3 weeks.  And the boys just recently received their final report cards.  Thankfully they were "let's go get shakes" worthy and not "you are grounded to your room until you can recite the Declaration of Independence forwards and backwards" worthy.

But it really got me thinking... What would I do if they did need a little extra help in school.  Or if they failed a class and needed to make it up.  I am by no means a teacher and would likely not have the patience to homeschool 2 teens.  Thankfully there is a solution like KC Distance Learning.

One thing that really sparked my interest was their focus on the "iGeneration"... you know the kids who have grown up with technology at the tip of their fingertips.  They realize and embrace this.  And actually have created an entire learning style around it. 

Also, supporting local public education is really important to me.  I was pleased to discover that KC Distance Learning partners with many local school districts.  I really believe that schooling is a community effort and LOVE that they are in tune with this. 

The thing that I happiest about is knowing there is a resource out there to help my kids should they ever need it.  I am sure that those of us who are not natural born teachers can all appreciate that.

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign through MomSelect for KC Distance Learning.  I was compensated with a gift card however, I only write reviews I truly believe.  So.... THERE!  ;-P