
Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Sooooooo Traditional.... 4th of July Style

My friend Tauni likes to post all about traditions over on her blog.  I was reading her post on creating pop rockets and it got me thinking... "Self... you are totally a traditionalist.... I mean you buy enough fireworks to light a small island country on fire every year."  So... I decided to take you through a traditional 4th of July weekend with my clan.

First we drive about a bazillion hours at the butt crack of dawn to look at about 1,500 of these...

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I am pretty sure they are all the EXACT same car... but I was assured that they are all very different and unique and have valves and gaskets and domagiggers galore.

Then I spend the rest of the evening with these guys...

Where I stalk random family members with telephoto lenses...


And at some point one of them took the VERY traditional Mom with 853 chins shot.  (side note-I really only have 844 chins.  Everyone knows the camera adds 9 chins)


And somehow I took time out of my busy chin model schedule to snap a few shots of these...


And during the weekend I find the time to make the anti-food... aka Ambrosia... (side note-I do not eat it I just make it... and I am pretty sure it isn't even considered actual food)


Watch as Brian and my father in-law attempt time travel (side note-I blame Hot Tub Time Machine)


Teach Xander the fine art of blue dart reinactment...


Find Josh pondering how he can get away with doing an actual blue dart...


And get reminded what brotherly love is all about...


errr.... I mean why I have good health insurance.
Stealing is bad and mean and stuff.  These photo's are mine...