
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Foodie Friday-I Can't Believe It's Such an Easy Corn Recipe-Plus a Giveaway

Who doesn't love a good BBQ in the summer time?  I don't know about you, but we BBQ right into the fall.  Sometimes it is even more comfortable to BBQ when the weather cools off a bit.  One of my favorite foods to grill is corn on the cob.  Quick, simple, and delicious.  And I am not sure if you have checked out all the farm stands recently... totally IN SEASON.

Normally I would slather on gobs and gobs of butter and but that baby right on the grill.  But while I was in NYC I went to an event and realized a few new uses for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray.  I actually always have some in my fridge but I normally spray it on fresh popped popcorn or a few squirts on toast.  Never in a million years did I think of BBQ'ing it.  This is another reason I am not a professional thinker for a living.

Here is a quick, easy, and amazing way to grill corn on the cob using I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray:


4 ears of corn on the cob (husks removed)
20-30 sprays of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray

-Spray about 10-15 squirts of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray evenly over the 4 cobs.
-Place on grill and turn frequently for about 10-12 minutes (less if you like your corn to be more crisp)
-I usually grill corn on a med-low heat
-Spray the additonaly 10-15 squirts over the cooked corn evenly
-Salt and Pepper to taste

Couldn't be easier... right?

Now for a great end of summer grilling givaway.  What's up for grabs?

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!® Spray

Premium Non-Stick Grilling Basket

Crate & Barrel Portable 4-piece Grill Tool Set with Carrying Case

8 Better For You BBQ Recipe cards

Better For You BBQ Newsletter with recipes and tips
It's easy to enter.  Just leave a comment on this blog with a creative way to use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray in your meal preparations.
Extra Entries:
Follow @ICBINotButter on Twitter (leave a comment you did so)
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Tweet about this giveaway using @ICBINotButter in your tweet (leave comment with link to tweet
Contest is only valid for US citizens.  Contest will end on Friday, September 3rd at Midnight.  Winner will be picked via and notified via comments and email.

Disclaimer-I am also receiving the same prize pack listed above from I Can't Believe It's Not Butter