
Thursday, August 26, 2010

How a Shoe Saved my Knee-Tenevis Footwear Edition

I KNOW... it sound ridiculous.  You don't even wear shoes on your knees, right?  Well up until I had knee surgery last year I had NO idea just how much effect your footwear has on the rest of your body.  Since then I have been on the search for the pefect shoe.  I didn't want to get the orthopedic shoes my surgeon suggested and being banned from heals (by said surgeon) I had to find something to put on my feet.

Needless to say I have spent hundreds of dollars over the last year trying to find a shoe to stave off the sexy cankle I get from walking, hiking, or even grocery shopping with my sad knee.  And I haven't found a pair yet.  I have found some that provide adequate support and are comfortable enough but at the end of the day, you guessed it, cankle action.

Right before I went to NYC for BlogHer I knew I had to find a good shoe to wear.  There was no way I was going to be prancing all over the Big Apple with a sore knee and cankle.  Well thankfully Tenevis Footwear came to my rescue.  I had already heard about them from Joanie and she raved about how comfortable they were.  I was a little skeptical, I mean I already had comfortable shoes.  But, when my La Jolla's came in the mail I could already tell they were different.

I slipped them on and they were so roomy.  I don't have particularly fat feet, but typically walking shoes seem constricting.  They didn't feel that way at all.

See that little cushion piece right there?  I am sure it has a technical name. I just call it magic.  If unicorns had shoes, I am sure they would pick these.

It's true... they ARE soft and powerful.  It is like walking on marshmallows.  Or bunnies. 
Without squishing the bunnies of course.

As you can see from the dirt on my shoes, I wear them, and I wear them a lot.  I have taken them to mean streets of New York and the scenic hiking trails of the Tetons.  And the proof is in the pudding as they say.  Or in this case the cankle, or lack their of.  NO CANKLE.  I still can't believe myself.  I don't have to prop my leg up after taking my dog for her afternoon walk.  Long shopping trips don't make my knee throb.  And, I can actually walk longer distances without tiring.   

I am sure there a bunch of technical and scientific reasons the shoes help me.  But, I am not big on spouting off random numbers.  I think the biggest testimonial is not what you read on a pamphlet or get from a research company.  I always say seeing is believing.  I just got back from a long walk with the dog and TADA.... Dirty feet... But more importantly, NO CANKLE, and I still have energy to burn.  Thanks Tenevis Footwear.
And okay.. maybe my feet are a little chubby. GEEZ feet.  And I seriously need a pedicure

Tenevis Footwear provided me with the shoes at no cost.  However, all opinions, claims, photos, and silliness are all my own.  And yes, I would recommend these shoes to everyone.  Trust me, I have went through many a craptastic shoe to find one that works.