
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Heart New York-My BlogHer '10 Event Recap

I guess I should start my post with... HOLY CRAP... BlogHer is HUGE!  I have been to several conferences in the last year but none could prepare me for the epicness of BlogHer.  Did I mention it is gigantic?  You could get lost in the expo halls alone.  Not that I would ever get lost in an expo hall... nope nope nope.  Not me.  ;-)

But that being said, would I go again?  Yes, of course.  But just with wildly different expectations.  I won't expect to see everyone I want to see.  It isn't realistic to plan on days worth of sight seeing.  And sleep... I can sleep when I am dead.

But now on to my event recap.  The whole reason I went to BlogHer this year was to co-host an event.
My first BlogHer started with a bang.  I co-hosted my 2nd event in 5 days.  The Nu Skin|Crazi Beautiful "I heart New York" Social was amazing.  You have it correct, I helped plan/execute an event at my very FIRST BlogHer.  And, it was fab, if I do say so myself.  Nu Skin was our title sponsor and provided all of our wonderful guests with the opportunity to get mini-Galvanic Spa facials, get hands on interaction with the products, and walk away with the fantasic Tru Face Essence firming serum.  (next week I am starting a 4 week feature in which I will use Nu Skin products to hopefully transform my neglected, sad, and did I mention neglected skin?)

And because we thought of everything, after the makeup was taken off during the Nu Skin facial guests could run over and get their makeup airbrushed back on from Luminous Air.  And take home a makeup kit for themselves.  It's so easy to use we were able to apply the makeup ourselves by the end of the evening.

And what better way to to enjoy a trip to NYC then with a pretty new bracelet?  Really there isn't a better way.  And who doesn't love Lisa Leonard Designs?  My wrist is happy with a new sparkly dangling from it.

And I was finally introduced to the lovely organic products of Kristen Bowen Studio.  Her lip frosting literally keeps my lips soft for hours.  And my lips are usually more chapped than a rhino's tail.  It's true.

And since my lips were finally soft I figured I would conquer my fear of heights and take in the breathtaking view from the balcony of the marvelous suite at the Nu Skin|Crazi Beautiful "I heart New York" Social.

And rescue insane people.... ahhhhh

And... you know what I got to finally do??? Share BumpIts with nearly 200 of my new BFF's.  Yup... that's right.  It was like a dream come true.  For me and I am sure for you.

And I have been saying it for at least a year.  BumpIts do turn you into a super hero.  I now have photographic evidence.

Disclaimer-Companies listed were sponsors of the I Heart New York Social.  But we only had companies sponsor our event if we loved them.  And obviously you can see why we love them.