
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Signs of the time...

In the last couple of weeks I have done a lot of traveling.  And as you know when you are traveling there are tons of signs to keep you on track.  Or so one would think.  While in NYC I can across this sign:

If you look closely at the top.  Don't Litter... well except on Sunday.  Then it is fair game?!?!?!  I have heard that NYC has really cleaned up it's act in the last 15 years or so.  Apparently allowing wild littering in the streets every Sunday is the way to do it.  Now we all know.

Next while In Jackson Hole I found a sign that provided both insight and confusion:

It is obvious why you wouldn't want a celery phone.  It would get limp, a little slimey, and just plain smelly.  I never realized there was such a huge problem with celery phones out in the world.  But according to this sign people are just getting all willy nilly with celery phones in our National Parks. 

Now on to the most important sign of all.  Or should I say lack of sign?

Can I ask where the heck was the "Watch Out for Butt Munching Chipmunks" sign was?