
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School-Wallet Blues Edition and Giveaway

The task, take 2 boys into Walmart and buy them 2 pages worth of school supplies each.  Easy... right?  Well maybe it was easy but, it wasn't cheap.  1 cart and $135 dollars later I left the store dazed, confused, and hungry.  The hungry most because it was almost dinner time.  The dazed and confused because whatever happened to some loose paper, a couple of pens, and a Trapper Keeper? 

Well apparently they still make Trapper Keepers but they aren't on any school supply list my boys have received.  Instead we have to buy 4 gig thumb drives and graphing calculators.  It makes me and my wallet miss the days of big pink erasers and number 2 pencils. 

Well thankfully the folks over at Nestle Family and Reading Is Fundamental want to make this back to school season a little easier for you.  They are offering one of my lucky readers a pretty fantastic giveaway.

$25 Walmart Gift Card
Nesquick Lunch Box
Raisinets Products
And a mix of coupons for
FREE products from:
Nestle Pure Life
Toll House Refrigerated Cookie Dough
Toll House Morsels
Carnation Breakfast Essentials
About $100 ARV

Entering this Giveaway is easy:

Leave a comment on this blog naming a school supply you had to buy this year.

Extra Entries-
2 entries for following this blog via Google Friend Connect on right hand side (leave comment you did so)
2 entries for tweeting about this giveaway (leave comment with link to tweet)
5 entries for blogging about this giveaway (leave comment with link to post)

Contest rules-Only valid for US and Canadian readers.  Winner will be notified via comments and email and chosen at random via  Contest ends on Tuesday, September 14th at Midnight MST.

Disclaimer-I also will receive this prize pack from Nestle Family.  Also a RIF school of my choice will be receiving a donation of $50 in books.

Nestle Family is also doing an amazing giveaway of $5,000 for Back to School essentials and a $2000 dollar grant for your school.  Check out the sweepstake.