
Monday, September 20, 2010

Herriman Fire-What a Difference a Day Makes

On Saturday, September 18th my sister-in-law and I went to one of our favorite spots, in the city we both share, to test out her new camera.  She finally got a new DSLR and I was going to share with her my 2.8 minutes of photography knowledge.  It is one of my favorite things about Herriman, the acres and acres of open park space, ponds, and playgrounds.  I think it is one of the main things that attracted Brian and I to the area nearly 8 years ago.

I was able to snap a few shots while I was out with my sister in law. 

I wish I could remember what I was thinking when I took these photos of my precious niece.  But I know what I was feeling.  Joy.

Just over 24 hours later, on September 19th, in the EXACT same location, someone else snapped this picture.

I can only imagine what these people were thinking and feeling at that moment in time.  And I can't even find the proper word to express that.

My family and I are safe in the location in Herriman that we live.  But my heart goes out to all those who were/are displaced and even worse, lost their beautiful homes.

I also want to thank everyone who called, texted, tweeted, and sent Facebook messages inquiring about our safety.

What a difference a day makes...