
Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's About That Time Again... Another Chance for a LIVE BumpIts Tutorial

Okay... so that isn't the official purpose for the evening of October 7th... but it should be.  The last Sassy Scoops GNO was such a success (I think it's because of the BumpIts tutorial) we decided it was time to have another evening full of fun, food, friends, and let's not forget prizes.

I will be partaking of a giant slice of The Husband... And if you don't know what that means you obviously need to get your butt to the Chocolate for our Fall GNO

And just think... you could leave looking like this....

And if looking your best sporting a BumpIt isn't your "style" (side note-what the heck is wrong with you?) then I guess you can come for the free sugar cookie with any purchase.

See you there!!!!!