
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm Worth It-Part 1

I have known for a while I needed to "get healthy".  I prefer that term to "lose weight".  Losing something has such negative connotations.  But getting something... who doesn't want to GET something?  So earlier this week I decided enough was enough. I was going to start trudging along the path to get healthy.  I WANT to be there for my kids, grand kids, and great grand kids.  The only way that will happen is if I take better care of myself.  Because my family deserves it.  And quite frankly I deserve it!!!

I met with the dietitian from Slim-Fast while at BlogHer earlier this year.  And I just kind of blew it off.  Who needs a plan like that?  I can just do it myself.  But really, I can't, and I didn't.  So when they contacted me about starting their 3-2-1 program I jumped on it.  The plan is so simple even I can follow it.  I eat 2 meal replacements a day (a Slim-Fast Shake or  Slim-Fast Meal Replacement Bar), 3-100 calorie snacks, a well-balanced meal, and 30 minutes of exercise.  So far I am LOVING the meal replacement bars.  There is something about actually chewing your meal that makes it feel less restricting.

I am now a few days in and have already lost 6.2 lbs following the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan.  Not that I am counting or anything.  The best part.... I am not hungry.  To be honest, I am eating more frequently then I ever have before.  Apparently that helps with metabolism... who knew?!?!  The best part, well other then the weight loss, I am not hungry at all.  Just when I start to feel a little twinge of hunger it is time to eat again. 

My biggest struggle has been cutting out the non-diet drinks... AKA Pepsi.  I really, really, really miss it.  But I'm told in time the diet version will appeal to me just as much.  Anytime I think of picking up the sauce I just remember that I AM WORTH IT!  And I can be the healthy, active, and gorgeous person that is inside me just bursting to get out!

I will be posting weekly on my successes, struggles, and thoughts during this long, but VERY worth it process.  I would also LOVE to hear about your "getting healthy" successes and struggles.  It takes a village to raise a child... so why not for this too?

Slim-Fast is providing me with the products to start my journey.  All thoughts, opinions, and lost pounds are my own.