
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Giving Back This Holiday Season

I am not sure about you, but it is the time of year when I start to think about all the things I have to do, buy, and find just to get ready for the holidays.  I often forget to sit back and be grateful that I am able to provide so much for my family.   Part of being thankful is giving back to the community. 

We are trying to raise our children to be loving, caring, and giving members of society.  This can be difficult during the holidays when they are inundated with media talking about the "must haves" of the season.  Children can easily be encouraged to "want, want, want" without regards for anyone else.
Last year I was fortunate enough to participate in a Toys for Tots fundraiser with The Social Media Club of Salt Lake City.  We were able to collect hundreds of toys for children in our local area.   I was so pleased to have been given the opportunity to deliver the toys we collected with my family.  I could tell by the look on my children's faces how surprised they were that some kids would only be getting Candyland or a new Tonka Truck for their holiday celebration. 

I was able to share our family's experience in collecting and donating the toys via Whrrl. 

More check-ins at Toys for Tots Donations
Powered by Whrrl

This year I am looking for new and creative ways for our family to give back.  What are some traditions you and your family have around the holidays that encourage a spirit of giving?  Do you volunteer at a local shelter or food pantry?  Do you donate gifts to family's in need?  I know that I will be checking out Volunteer Spot for more ideas on saying YES to offering a helping hand.