
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DownEast Home & Clothing Helped To Get a Jump Start On Christmas

Okay... I admit it.  I am a procrastinator when it comes to Christmas shopping.  I don't wait until Christmas Eve or anything but, I am usually well into December before I even make a dent in my list.  Then there are people like my dear friend Evonne who put up their Christmas tree in March... Okay that was a slight exaggeration... but seriously.  She is that ahead of things.

Recently I attended a blogger's night out at DownEast Home and Clothing and I actually got a jump start on my Christmas shopping.  And by jump start I mean I purchased two items.

Hint... what I purchased was on this shelf.  Only the larger version.
Yup boys... I got you giant stuffed bears. 

It was so nice of DownEast Home & Clothing to roll out their after Thanksgiving sale items and give all us bloggers a chance to browse through and pick up something for someone special in our lives.  Or let's be honest.  Maybe something for ourselves.

Isn't that skirt to die for?  I love it!

And while I was there I got to imagine all the places in my home I could be some of the gorgeous furniture they have for sale.

Imagine how high the kids could jump on that bed?

And know blogger's night out would be complete without some the amazing ladies I have come to know and adore.

DownEast wants to help you "Spice Up For the Holidays".  Between now and November 24th you will receive back a percentage of your purchase in gift cards on select items throughout the store.  How awesome is that?  You get to give and receive.  Totally the best of both worlds.