
Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm Worth It-Part 3 Things I've Learned This Week

A fresh new week and a new outlook on getting healthy.  Last week was a bit of a struggle but thankfully I didn't let it discourage from reach my end goal.  And I am sooooo happy I didn't let it because this week I am down 3 more lbs.  That is 9 lbs total for those who are counting.  I haven't noticed a huge difference in appearance or the fit of clothing yet but, the number on the scale is certainly satisfying for now.

This week I have learned a few things that I want to share:

  • 100 calories of baby carrots is almost impossible to consume.  Seriously, I double dog dare you to try. 
  • The Chick-Fil-A Gods must have known I was coming and you can get an entire meal with their grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad plus a diet drink for 380 calories.  HELLO?!?!?!  How rad is that?
  • Since I am not much of a morning eater I find drinking a Slim-Fast Shake is pretty simple in the morning.  Not chewing is a plus when you aren't used to eating anything in the morning.
  • Diet Mt. Dew is a gift from a fairy unicorn princess.
  • It's easy to through the Slim-Fast Snack Bar in my purse when I am running errands.  That way I am sure not to miss my 3 snacks a day.
  • 500 calories of the right foods is actually a big meal.  You would be surprised how much you can eat and still lose weight. 
  • My husband is the BEST drink warden in the world.  Keeping me away from the non diet, yet so delicious, Pepsi.
  • Repeating a positive affirmation like "I'm worth it" really does work. 
Disclaimer-While Slim-Fast may be providing me with the products to get healthy all pounds lost, lessons learned, and opinions are solely my own.