
Thursday, April 22, 2010

BumpIt Tutorial... What Could Go Wrong? Updated WITH Video

I just added the video at the bottom of the post... Thanks to Emily for being an awesome movie maker!!!

I am a pro at bump bump bumping it up.  Well at least on myself.  I pretty much single handedly saved the whole BumpIt revolution... in my brain.  (side note-I think we may have covered this before.  My brain is a scary place.)  So when I was given the chance to provide someone else with the joy of BumpIt Power I could not resist.  And of course nothing terrible could happen... right?

Grab the appropriate amount of hair...

A little back combing goes a LONG way...

She is smiling under her new Cousin It style hair-do...

One of these things is not like the other....

A little more teasing should do the trick...

HECK YES!  Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!
RAWKING the BumpIt in all it's glory!  She is ready for the prom,
date night, or even a long relaxing bath. 

Super special lots of thanks to Jerilee for allowing me to attack her with a foreign hair device and a teasing comb.

And the video... LIVE ACTION BumpIting!!!